
Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Love ThinkPads

So i was digging through some crap in the basement and i found this old ass Thinkpad that my dad used to have  for his work. Anyway i figured i could really use a laptop for internet/word so why not try to bring it back to life.

Its not the prettiest but it gets the job done. Im actually liking the really squarish style it has going on lol.

Long story short, i spent about a $100 in parts that will hopefully get it back on its feet. New battery, more RAM, new HDD, and some keys that were missing.  Still waiting for all this to get here but the computer is running great for being about 8 years old. Im really impressed with the engineering and smarts that went into making Thinkpads, its a shame more people don't use them. The thing even has a light where a web cam would be so you can see what your typing in the middle of the night.(back-lite keyboard are overrated :P).

I also had a bunch of stickers laying around and got kind of carried away:

 Anyway thought id share my Thinkpad experience. If you can get one of these for cheep or even free do it, its a great piece of hardware. Just install some good old xp or ubuntu/mint and you have yourself a pretty un-stylish netbook.


  1. LOL, did you really stick that many stickers on your thinkpad? oh geez. Well bringing back old hardware can be satisfying.

  2. haha yea i went way overboard but its fun to sticker bomb stuff

  3. Pretty cool. I'd like to see how well it turns out, personally.

  4. I think it looks cool...everything these days is minimal and 'clean' its good to inject some personality to things you own


  5. The RAC recovery guy had one of these for diagnosing cars when they break down.It was like a brick, massive, square block with rubber edges for inpact, looked amazing.

  6. Nah the sticker bombing looks good, will be a bitch to sell though! Good post, never owned one but sounds like they're worth a look at

  7. Wow colorful thinkpad is colorful

  8. i like how u pimped it out with all those stickers

  9. You should check out xubuntu. It runs wonders on old lappies.

  10. I always loved those little red nipples that control the cursor. Awesome.

  11. Haha loving the stickers.

    and 16:9 is overrated. Bring back the retro CRTs!

  12. Old technology is good technology. I like the stickers.

  13. Do you like jeans or worker pants? It depends on when or for I want to wear.
    samething with laptop and thinkpad

  14. I think the stickers make it look great! :)

  15. I have been trying to repair one of my old laptops but could never achieve is still sitting in the closet in 20 pieces maybe I should go try again one of these days.

  16. hhaha i dont kno why but i like 5-10 year old technology. im really jealous you refurbished this

  17. Does this have the little trackball thing in the keyboard? I loved using that

  18. I had an old thinkpad and I hated it. Love my toshiba, it runs so much smoother...

  19. @JH

    it has it and it works but the red dot thing thats suppose to be on top of it is missing :(

  20. Thinkpads are very robust, or so I've heard. I tend to go for the cheapest laptop for the spec.

  21. I don't think I recall the thinkpad. It sounds a little retro. Well, as retro as a couple years ago haha.

  22. without old devices we would not have these new laptops.

  23. Any laptop would do for me. I'm stuck with a desktop -.-

  24. aw maan, the best thing on a think pad is the black cube shape

    and now its full of stickers..
    thinking about bying me a thinkpad and keeping it clean and cool

    thinkpads are amazing

  25. the good think in Thinkpads is that they are really durable
